May and June always brings changes. As we get older these changes don't just mean summer they mean the end of High School or College and the start of something totally different, somethings fun or new or scary or intimadating. But always a new season full of things to learn and cause you to grow.
Growth causes pains and concerns with turn into prayers. As we look at living together and growing with each other this summer for 4 weeks we prepare for a big change. A new season is just around the corner.
I myself am looking at College graduation on Saturday. Its a little scary because I will be out in the real world not sure of what is next. But I am excited to have the world before me.
What is something that we can be praying for you about? Lets start a great habit of praying for each other even now before we meet. Prayer is so powerful and more than that its something to know that you have people behind you supporting you and praying for you.